Wearable technology has come a long way since its first introduction. The earliest wearables appeared in the 1970s as wrist calculators and music players. However, the last decade saw widespread […]
Sean Murphy and Theresa Shafer share a variety of proven marketing techniques for growing your business. In the video below, they talk about building awareness and getting exposure to attract […]
Réna Ayeras is a long-time PATCA member and enjoys meeting new members. She is a technical writer with a technical background: test, design, system integration. Writing, editing, and occasional illustration […]
Unlike masticating juicers, the PURE Juicer uses trituration to reduce pulp to the smallest particle size producing the most nutrient dense juice. First, it grinds the produce to a superfine […]
SmartSquat is Designed for Optimizing Every Exercise to Enhance your Favorite Workouts so YOU get Better Results in less time.
Product that lets you communicate and manage the details of your life from your car without touching your phone.
Wearable medical devices are skyrocketing based on sensor developments and remote monitoring by both consumers and medical professionals. FDA’s 2020 emergency regulations assigned reimbursement codes for telemedicine which provides incentives […]
Assessed the existing technological environment of a nonprofit K-12 organization offering virtual or in-person classes to meet educational material. The current environment includes all hardware, software, and connectivity tools as […]
Creating and delivering various workshops for Project & Program Managers (PPMs0 and Agile practitioners using Scrum, Lean, Kanban, Extrem Programming (XP), FDD, Desing Thinking, structured (AKA waterfall) project management, as […]