Turning Resolutions Into Clear Intentions in 2024

In the video snippet below, Jacqueline Wales emphasizes the importance of beginning with the end in mind, drawing on Steven Covey’s concept to outline a strategic approach for personal and professional development. She advocates for setting achievable goals for the year and working backward to identify actionable steps, stressing the importance of being realistic about one’s capabilities to avoid setting oneself up for failure. Wales underscores the necessity of addressing both easy and challenging tasks, suggesting that incorporating the hard stuff early on is crucial for comprehensive progress. She proposes a roadmap for success, encouraging incremental steps towards clear, defined goals.


Fear – the driver for growth

She suggests fear can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth, urging individuals to confront their fears as a means to understand and overcome them. She argues that fear often signals areas where growth is needed, and without empirical evidence for our fears, we’re likely just succumbing to unfounded stories. Wales emphasizes the importance of committing to personal growth by creating and adhering to a roadmap, underscoring the necessity of actively participating in one’s self-improvement journey.




Below, Jacqueline addresses the issue of overwhelm, highlighting it as a consequence of prioritizing others’ needs over one’s own and failing to set clear boundaries. She emphasizes that feeling overwhelmed is often a result of trying to juggle too many tasks and commitments, aiming to please everyone at the expense of one’s own well-being. Wales suggests that the key to managing overwhelm is to critically assess priorities and make deliberate choices about what to take on. She stresses the importance of setting boundaries to avoid burnout by learning to say no to demands that don’t align with one’s current capacity or goals, underlining that this skill is crucial for maintaining balance and preventing workplace burnout.


Transformational Strategies for Success

She challenges her audience to create a statement of intention that encompasses the actions, resources, and goals they wish to achieve, highlighting the importance of strategic planning and self-care in achieving long-term success and satisfaction.

More About Jacqueline Wales

Jacqueline Wales is a trusted advisor who helps her clients take accountability for their actions and responsibility for their decisions to achieve remarkable results. She is a certified consultant for Human Synergistics, which conducts scientifically researched behavioral assessments.

Over many decades of exceptional experiences and hundreds of conversations with accomplished people, she knows that being fearless is not the absence of fear, but the courage to take the next step…. then the next one…until you create the life and career you really want.

As the author of The Fearless Factor, The Fearless Factor @ Work, When the Crow Sings, and Transformational Strategies for Success, an online self-awareness program, she has explored human behavior and asked tough questions to discover hard truths for more than 35 years.