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Steve Richfield

Work Phone: 505-934-5200


Steve Richfield, CDP, N7VCG, IEEE#41344714 505-934-5200 cell/text
Curriculum Vitae (Latin for “course of life”)


Most human technical/health/social/political endeavors can be seen as problem in need of repairing. Even patent applications must begin by explaining the problem addressed by the invention. Often, looking at the overall problem from a “repair” point of view, rather than looking at a narrow part of the problem from an “engineering” point of view, leads to better solutions. My life has followed this path, and eventually led to the previously unrecognized field of “repair science” described in my e-book Advanced Logical Methods.

Educational Highlights

·        Intelligence tested beyond adult at only 6 years old.
·        Successfully defended my school’s first chair in chess tournaments against all other high schools in the Seattle area.
·        Designed, built, and demonstrated the world’s fastest game theory (war strategy) computer while still in high school, which won a personally presented award from United States Air Force Chief Of Staff General Curtis Lemay.
·        Perfect 800 on the College Entrance Examination Board’s Advanced Math test.
·        Top freshman honors math student at the University of Washington (U of W).
·        In-house computational mathematics consultant at the U of W Physics Department.
·        Wrote the FORTRAN/ALGOL/BASIC all-in-one meta-compiler for Remote Timesharing – the same “mainframe” and “room full of computers” that Bill Gates and Paul Allen learned on.
·        Research assistant at the Neurological Surgery Department at the U of W. This hands-on experience in how successful medical research is done provided crucial background for my later efforts.

Consulting Highlights

I then started high tech consulting in a broad assortment of areas, including:

·        Seamlessly traversed boundaries between physics, mechanical, digital, analog, and RF hardware; networks, firmware, software, databases, and applications. Of course this involved using a wide assortment of test equipment, debugging software, and programming languages.
·        Resolved mixed-vendor disputes.
·        Investigated high-tech crimes.
·        Wrote compilers, optimizers, loaders, and other system software.
·        Retargeted DOS and UNIX kernels including multiple processors with challenging memory management issues.
·        Chased the last of the optimizer and vectorizer bugs out of CDC’s supercomputer FORTRAN compiler.
·        Chased many elusive bugs.
·        Made numerous presentations at AI conferences.
·        Wrote numerous rough draft patent applications for my clients.
·        My own patents and applications are in diverse fields, including sleeve bearings, 3-D projection, AI natural language processing, and 3-D microscopy.
·        Developed advanced logical methods for dealing with intractable disputes (reverse reductio ad absurdum) and debugging complex malfunctions in poorly documented systems (enhancements to the Scientific Method).
·        Royal Saudi Air Force determined I had the equivalent to a Master’s Degree.
·        U of W Physics Department determined I had the equivalent to a PhD.
·        Over my career, I have had more than 100 high-tech projects.

Medical Research Highlights

Overlapping with my consulting, especially between projects, I have honed my abilities to gradually shift to repairing the MOST complex and poorly documented systems in existence – chronic illnesses in people. In this I have worked much like Galen – solving problems regardless of my clients’ ability to pay. So far, this has included the following:

·        Developed, tested, and proved a simple, safe, and easy method of clearing out clogged arteries (atherosclerosis), which now directly or indirectly kills ~1/3 of the population.
·        Completely reversed glaucoma blind spots.
·        Discovered that everyone has an identical collection of temperature set-points every 0.6°F=1/3°C, but people vary in how they switch between these fixed set-points.
·        Found a way to permanently adjust the selection of temperature set-points, which is useful in correcting numerous illnesses. See my website at:
·        Found a way for most people to permanently add another ~20 IQ points, which is especially important for people having mild cognitive impairment.
·        It is now often possible to find new cures in less time than it takes for a chronic condition to its host.
·        More than 100 people have donated money to support my work.

AI to solve the World’s problems

In parallel with solving chronic disease issues, and in the process discovering how real-world complex cause-and-effect chains work, I wrote, a program to analyze problem statements, reconstruct the active cause-and-effect chains, interact with users to clarify their statements, and identify workable interventions. In the process I discovered:

·        This works reliably, even where a particular cause-and-effect chain has never before been seen, so long as the links in the chain have already been coded.
·        Problem solving is VERY different than searching (pioneered by Google) or complex Question Answering (pioneered by Wolfram and now incorporated into Google).
·        Heidenbugs, where the computer is right, but no one can see why, were a significant late-stage development challenge.
·        Disambiguation, common in many AI applications, proved to be a bad idea for problem solving.
·        There have been ~100 past announcements of programs potentially capable with further development of “understanding” the full range of natural language text, some of which raised money for further development, all of which have faded into obscurity due to the practical combinatorial explosion attendant with using brute force text processing methods.
·        Brute force text processing methods are simply WAY too slow to perform full-blown real-world analysis. Much more efficient methods are needed, which I have patented.
·        I presently hold the only patents in Problem Solving, and these patents describe how to efficiently analyze natural language associated with Problem Solving WITHOUT using brute force text processing methods.

How to Get My attention

I LOVE really challenging projects that make a difference in our world. If you can find someone else to do the job, then you probably don’t really need my services. I charge:

·        Often a fixed price, rather than expecting clients to commit to open-ended pricing on open-ended projects.
·        Sometimes an offer, like fixed price but typically offered to induce me to take a short and/or less desirable project that I might otherwise decline.
·        Sometimes hourly, especially for projects whose effort is bounded or controllable, like video exit-interviewing key personnel, projects where I will be playing a supporting role, etc.
·        Sometimes for a piece of the action.
·        Sometimes for no charge, for people who can’t afford but really NEED my services, and where spinoffs from the project are likely to make a difference in our world.

When all else fails, call Steve.

My Conference Presentations
Most of my conference presentations are behind pay walls, but here are some that have “leaked” onto the open Internet. How to Make NL “Understanding” Systems Run Orders of Magnitude Faster;jsessionid=749CAE25B6723AFF3D128A9E0064CEDD?doi= Dealing with the “Itanium Effect” Functionally Diagram Human Brains using Ganged Confocal Scanning UV Fluorescence Microscopes with 3-D Substage Micromanipulator and Cryostat Microtome see Funding Enabling Technologies on pages 151-155 Recurrent Breast Cancer Treatment via Rapid Pain-Guided Experimentation

My Patents and Patent Applications Natural language processing for analyzing internet content and finding solutions to needs expressed in text Coincident focus microscope having superior resolution and contrast in three dimensions Natural language processing for analyzing internet content and finding solutions to needs expressed in text 3-D Display System Permanently lubricated bearing

My Web Sites Futurist Technologies Problem Solving Technology Central Metabolic Control System Therapy

Steve Richfield

Profile picture of Steve Richfield


Active 3 months ago