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Larry Polyak

Microsystems Development Technologies, Inc.

Company Logo

1177 Park Avenue
San Jose, CA 95126
Work Phone: 408-280-1226 x112
Cell Phone: 408-888-6022
LinkedIn Profile
Certified Professional Consultant

Embedded Microcontroller Hardware & Software
Microprocessor based design and development for consumer and industrial products. We are experienced with a wide range of products including medical and dental equipment; industrial controls; home automation; etc. We offer custom product design and development as well as prototype building, pre-production and production turnkey services. Our satisfied client list includes some of the biggest names in their industries as well as small one person startups.

Services include:

Hardware Design, OrCAD schematic capture, PADS PCB layout
Software / Firmware cngineering in assembly language and C
RS232, RS422, RS485 communications and protocols
Music composition, audio recording and sound effects
Artwork for graphics and animation

Microcontroller experience includes:

Speech and LCD controllers such as: GeneralPlus, Sunplus, Sonix, Winbond, Nuvoton, EMC, Elan, King Billion, Microchip PIC, Atmel AVR, 80x51 derivatives, Intel, Motorola, TI MSP430.  Wireless and Bluetooth platforms such as Nordic nRF51 and nRF52. Familiar and experienced with both Arduino and Raspberry PI platforms.

Production Capabilities:

Need one? We can build 1, 2, or several prototypes and provide all documentation necessary for transfer to the manufacturing facility of your choice, whether it be in the U.S. or overseas.
Need a thousand? We can provide complete turnkey services, delivering products or subassemblies made in the U.S.A.
Need a million? We have excellent contacts with overseas manufacturing companies eager for your business.

Education and Background:
BSEE Bradley University
MSEE Arizona State University

Larry Polyak

Profile picture of Larry Polyak


Active 2 days, 4 hours ago