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John Reykjalin

Grizzly Peak Engineering, Inc.

25 Avenida Drive
Berkeley CA, 94708
Work Phone: 510-540-5698

LinkedIn Profile
Certified Professional Consultant

Digital Systems Designer

Past projects include:

* Radar imaging for weapons detection
* Quantum computing waveform generation and capture
* Optical Coherence Tomography for retinal imaging
* Ultrasound design for heart surgery – position and blood flow
* Satellite antenna pointing servo design for minimum vehicle torquing
* Ultrasound system for temperature rise during RF ablation
* Stereo 3D camera system for robot vision
* Gamma spectroscopy for nuclear matter detection
* Stoke’s equations for multipath radar propagation
* Real time image scaling for educational learning toy
* Signal detection for NASA SETI
* Neural net based radar classification
* Sonar beamforming array processor
* Radio demodulation system for signal monitoring
* Stochastic processing for radio detection – recursive Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization


Education and Background:

Awards and Certifications:
NASA - Group Achievement Award, High Resolution Microwave Survey

John Reykjalin

Profile picture of John Reykjalin


Active 3 years, 6 months ago