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Jon Jacobson

Contek Consulting, Inc.

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73 Splendor
Irvine CA, 92618
Work Phone: 949-331-6798
LinkedIn Profile
Certified Professional Consultant

Contek Consulting, Inc. focuses on providing electronic hardware and embedded design solutions. Our experience in design and development of electronics spans the medical, aerospace, commercial lighting, oil and gas, and mining industries. We can provide you with help from initial system architecture through functional prototype development.

Previous projects have included:

- High Speed bus design and layout (e.g. DDR3, LPDDR2, etc.)
- Ultra-low power highly stable optical control systems
- DC, BLDC, and Stepper based motor control systems
- Pneumatic sensing and control systems
- Fluidic sensing and control system

Education and Background:
BSEE, Electrical Engineering, New Mexico State University

Jon Jacobson

Profile picture of Jon Jacobson


Active 4 years, 4 months ago