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Carol Mattsson

Essential Bits, Inc.

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Work Phone: (408) 255-3767
LinkedIn Profile
Certified Professional Consultant

Web Developer: web design and implementation, repair and maintain websites, web hosting, domain names.

I create websites for small business, including websites to market your business, sell products online, and websites you can edit yourself. The technology I use most often is "WordPress," for streamlining the creation of websites.  WordPress allows me to customize the website look and add forms, blogs, photo galleries, event calendars, PayPal payments etc. to your website.  The websites are "responsive," meaning they display well on multiple devices such as phones, tablets and desktops.  I also create and maintain Joomla and HTML/CSS websites.

My portfolio is online at  Feel free to call me at (408) 309-8314.

Education and Background:
B.S. Computer Science, B.S. Math, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM

Awards and Certifications:

Carol Mattsson

Profile picture of Carol Mattsson


Active 1 month, 3 weeks ago