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Carole (Edman) Hronik

HR Manager To Go Consultants - Carole Edman & Associates

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Placerville, CA 95667
Certified Professional Consultant

Human Resources Consultant and HR Coach for small & midsized businesses
HR Manager To Go Consultants provide a broad range of Human Resource consulting services that small and midsized firms clearly need, but often cannot justify on a full-time basis. Services include high quality interim, on-call, or part-time HR Management consulting to prevent or resolve tough issues in hiring, retaining, and managing employees, while complying with ever-changing employment laws.

Clients have ranged from pre-IPO start-ups to large public and global firms in high tech, biotech, and low tech industries, including: software, web 2.0, medical devices, pharmaceutical, medical instruments, semiconductor, telecom, nonprofit, venture capital, municipal government, manufacturing, construction, music production, retail, and service businesses, among others.
Contact your HR Manager To Go Consultants when you need:

- Help in attracting and retaining the right employees
- Answers to tough performance, retention, disability leave, or termination questions
- Cost-effective recruitment services with reduced turnover
- Assistance in avoiding costly hiring, reduction in force, and management mistakes
- Expertise with employee handbooks, policies and procedures
- Highly-rated management and employee training workshops
- Benefits, compensation, and performance management programs that reduce costs and improve morale
- HR Best Practices, M&A due diligence, and compliance assessments, including risk reduction action plans
- Help addressing or investigating discrimination and harassment complaints
- Effective on-call management guidance and coaching for HR, CEOs, managers, and individual contributors
- Implementation of proactive, valuable "best management practices" to improve retention and productivity
- A positive impact on your bottom line business results

Carole (Edman) Hronik

Profile picture of Carole (Edman) Hronik


Active 8 years, 11 months ago