PATCA is a professional association of independent consultants and principals who work in small consulting firms. These firms are in a variety of technical and non-technical fields. They are dedicated to enhancing professionalism, integrity, objectivity, and business competence of members and to promoting the profession of consulting. To accomplish this mission, PATCA will focus on the following strategic goals:
- To attract as members qualified individuals in diverse fields who subscribe to the code of ethics and who are in the business of providing professional skills and judgement for a fee.
- To become a national organization that represents and speaks for the professional consultant.
- To grow at a rate which is consistent with the other objectives of PATCA.
- To provide a variety of educational opportunities for its members. These will focus on consulting as a business and profession rather than on technical content.
- To educate the community and prospective clients about professional consulting and how they can use consultants effectively.
- To provide effective marketing services for its members, including a directory and referral services.
- To provide an environment in which members can associate to collectively market their services.
- To provide an opportunity for consultants to meet and work with each other.
- To represent the collective interests of professional consultants before legislative bodies and other government agencies.