John Faulkner on Optimizing Epic EHRs for Women’s Health

John Faulkner discusses the current trends of physicians and nurses working with electronic health records and recommendations to save time and sanity so they spend less time on a computer and more time with patients.

Recent AI Advancements in EHRs

In the short video below, John Faulkner provides a briefing on the recent advancements and applications of AI in EHRs.



Full Briefing on EHR


Uncovering Major Revenue Opportunities

In the video below, John shares an example of tracking patient data over multiple years using electronic health records like Epic which can reveal these patterns and uncover major revenue opportunities.


Slides available

About John Faulkner

As an Electronic Health Records (EHR) Consultant for Epic Software, John is passionate about Women’s Health and dedicated to improving nurses’ and doctors’ experiences within hospitals. With 12 years of experience providing technical leadership for organizations with up to 40,000 employees, he dramatically improves workflow processes and has a solid commitment to increased usability. He strives to reduce the stress and burden of technology that clinicians feel today.