Professional & Technical Consultants Association

PATCA is Silicon Valley’s longest operating non-profit professional association dedicated to serving independent consultants and the client companies that use them.  We set the quality standard for the consulting industry by requiring that all members pass a rigorous qualification process and adhere to a strict code of ethics. PATCA offers a free Post-a-Project referral service giving clients direct access to a network of the highest caliber management and technical consultants. We represent many areas of expertise in a broad array of disciplines, from biotech to marketing, human resources to engineering, software, firmware, and hardware design to cloud computing.  Serving the San Francisco California Bay Area and beyond.

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Featured Consultant: Perry West

Perry WestPerry West is President of Automated Vision Systems and long-time PATCA member. Automated Vision Systems specializing in image processing and optical system design for machine vision. Typical clients are OEMs and System Integrators of automation equipment that need to include machine vision or imaging technology.

Here are three examples of projects where he collaborated with systems integrators to help them meet customer needs:

  • Designed 21 vision systems for a robotic assembly line for a high-tech consumer product.
  • Programmed a Keyence vision system to verify package contents for a biomedical product.
  • Developed the imaging for making precise measurements of a hand-held product in a water bath.

He has experience working with Cognex InSight smart cameras and VisionPro software, Keyence vision systems, Omron vision systems, Matrox MIL software, line-scan imaging, and 3D imaging techniques including structured light, stereo imaging, and photometric stereo.

He is a Certified Vision Professional at the advanced level, and received the AIA’s Annual Achievement Award in 2003. He manages all 16 courses in the Certified Vision Professional program for the Association for Advancing Automation including instructing two of the courses.


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